Time to “Spring Forward” With Q2 Planning Based on Q1 Reviews

It's hard to believe we've already entered the second week of Q2 in 2024. With one-fourth of the year complete, now is an appropriate time to assess progress, establish Q2 goals, and reevaluate roles and responsibilities based on the first-quarter results. 

As described in our first blog of the year, it's crucial to set intentions for the year by developing a strategic plan that includes tactical and actionable measures to achieve goals. This includes assessing what has been effective for the organization, identifying areas that need improvement, and being open to learning and developing from these observations. 

This is an optimal time to see how well we're meeting the goals we outlined in the 2024 strategic plan by looking at revenue generation and sales, marketing, team expansion, and how we're executing the overall financial plan. All first-quarter activities should be examined and evaluated for:

  1. How do you feel about your accomplishments in 2024's first quarter? What are your successes?

  2. How well are goals and initiatives set for the company being managed?

  3. Are we on track to reach those goals?

  4. Is Leadership embodying a growth mindset and fostering a culture of success from the top down?

  5. What is moving (and not moving) the business forward?

  6. How is marketing helping to support revenue generation? 

  7. Are we hitting our markers on the team's expansion (or contraction) based on the goals we set forth?

  8. How about personal goals set forth at the beginning of Q1 -- where are you at in achieving those objectives?

Once you've digested and processed all that happened in the first quarter, integrate your findings into Q2 management. Here are some tips for handling planning and communications. 

Connect Q2 to the Larger Goal / Objectives

Discuss plans for Q2 and update the team's goals based on Q1 performance and current company priorities. 

  • According to McKinsey research, 70% of employees say their personal sense of purpose is defined by their work, and when their work feels meaningful, they perform better, are significantly more committed, and are about half as likely to look for a new job. When employees recognize the big-picture impact of their day-to-day work, they can make informed and thoughtful decisions as they move into the new quarter.

Recognize Positive Q1 Performance

Make time to celebrate your team's big and small successes for Q1. When highlighting your team's achievements, use actual data and statistics and give individual acknowledgments that feel personal and authentic.

  • Performance recognition drives motivation and works towards empowering each individual to drive greater results in the future.

 Include the Team When Setting Q2 Goals

Give your employees the chance to weigh in and share their ideas as well. Research by the Workforce Institute reveals that 74% of employees report that they are more effective at their jobs when they feel heard.

  • Allowing your employees to share their input about upcoming plans and including them in the goal-setting is a great way to unite everyone together and ensure their greater support.

 Maintain Strong Communications Through Q2

As you wrap up Q1 reviews, check in on your team members! It's essential to keep everyone motivated and on track. Your support and guidance can significantly improve their productivity and overall well-being.

  • ·You might consider scheduling brief check-ins with each of your employees to assess morale and identify what leadership may need to do to kick off a strong second quarter.


Ready to Transform Your Business Strategy?

Connect with Slater Success today to explore how your company’s First-Quarter impacts on Second-Quarter planning. Together, we'll harvest the power of creative ideas and inspiration for your business's success. 

No matter what industry you are in, our expertise can guide you towards expanding your business by year-end and for every year to come. Let's collaborate to cultivate innovation, foster customer connections, and set your business to continuous success. 

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