How To Manage Shifting Priorities

I'm out and about in the city today with great skyline behind me, and I want to talk to you about understanding your priorities; the most important piece about this is the communication.

As we work with our teams, we are consistently shifting.

What's number twelve and three in our priority list? Sometimes we have some things that are coming our way in life that are unexpected or expected, but we don't exactly know the timing which is going on in my life right now, as well as new opportunities.

Shifting priorities.

I'm going to be speaking in very soon at a SPEAK event that came up very quickly as an opportunity, and really, to know a 10 minute talk backwards and forward in a short period of time. It's understanding where your priorities are and communicating them with your team.

Yesterday, I had a meeting with my team lead. We went through the next few weeks and what's flexible and what's not, what could be rescheduled, what's hard and fast.

These are the important components to always be aware of when we're working with our teams and when we want our teams to be as effective as they can be, it very often comes back to us.

Are we communicating?

Are we communicating what is most important and where we need support?

What might be shifting and changing in our world?


Starr and I had an impactful meeting. It was short, to the point, but we reviewed the calendar, we reviewed what was on the agenda for the next few weeks, and we're both in sync in case one of us, especially me right now, might need to step away and take care of some personal things.

So know that what your priorities are. Know where you're flexible, and know you're communicating with your team so they can support you as best as they can.

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